Monday, May 25, 2009

Okay, three kids, three dogs, and two in-laws walk into a bar...

Okay, bad joke. But so was our memorial day. It all started on Friday evening, when my mother-in-law, and her awsome husband Gerry came up from Co Springs, CO. We had some nice things planned out. We were going to introduce our dogs (Blue needs more socialization), we were going to picnic up @ Jarvie Ranch, and maybe go to Flamming Gorge. Well, is one out of three bad? The only thing we could do is work with the dogs in between rain sad. But we did have a good time, we ate some good food, played with dogs and kids, and amused our selves with some fun movies. Not what I had planned, but not a bad weekend.


1 comment:

Michele and Wyatt said...

We were disappointed with the Memorial Weekend rain too. We really wanted to go to the lake. I guess we'll have to wait for some good weather.