The oil field is picking up again. Tim is taking more loads, and i am more busy than usual at work. Even our kids have had more than ever to keep up with, and we cant even keep up with that. We have been busy paying debts, getting papers together, and selling things we don't need ( i have a ford aspire for sell for $400 bucks if anyone is interested).
We have seen Grandpa Gene. he recently took all of two days to drive 20 hours to come see us, and then turn around and drive home the next day. I found it annoying, and he wouldn't have even stayed the night unless i hadn't been a c ow about that.
Blue (the dog) is doing very well. she is even growing the skin back on some of the places she skinned in her accident.
Sophie, Gavin, and Ashlee have been getting bigger. I have been buying tons of new jeans. Well, thats it for now.