Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A New Year

This year has gotten off to a good start. Tim has been doing well with work. His boss had made our Christmas really nice. Ashlee is working on counting, but seems to miss the 7's (like 17,27,ect...) she can however spell her name and can recognise all the letters (big and small). Gavin is adjusting to our new home. He hasn't had an accident in 2 weeks! Yeah!
Sophie on the otherhand has been nothing, but trouble. I have had more food (cartons of eggs, gallons of milk, and cans of hot chocolate) on my floors this week than they have ever seen. After all of this, she is more understandable than Gavin is. I on the other hand am renewing my efforts to loose weight. I would like to loose around 55 lbs. I am also making an effort to keep my blog updated. This will be more of a journal for me than anything. I was called as advancedment chairperson for our ward. I will be in charge of both cubs and boy scouts. I also have been asked to light a fire of ambission under the leaders butts to get our boys more active.

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