Thursday, March 6, 2008

tired author

I'm not sleeping well. Tim keeps waking me up to tell me that I'm snoring. This morning I told him that I knew I was snoring, and enjoying it, let me get back to sleep. This whole thing has gone on for the last three months. I used to think that Tim was bad when snoring, then my mother came over while I was napping. She actually recorded me and woke me up to play it back. In all I feel very picked on.

I can't help but feel like there is a better way to express my self, so i've turned to writting this blog. I hope for all of you that read it ( other than my mother who I hope rests well in her nice bed next to my father who is three times as bad at snorring.) Some one will actually feel sorry for me. If not go, save your selves. you can die of shame another day.

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