Friday, December 26, 2008

The Morning after.... Pill please.

Okay, so here we are. I haven't killed anyone and the house is realativley clean. I still can't spell. I have been doing laundry all morning. We got so much stuff that had to be cleaned before we could wear it. We had a good day yesterday. Our kids were excited about Santa, but didn't get up until 7. I told them in no uncertain terms that if they woke me up early I would kill them and then Santa would have to take bake all the lovley things that he brought. The girls climbed into an empty bed with me at 6:45. Tim had left it somtime durring the night. He has allergies, and can't sleep laying down all the time. Tim was snoring in the living room. Gavin had to be woken for the festivities. Ashlee need help with her reading so, while we drank hot chocolate, she got to read every one of the tags on the presents. The kids were also told that because Christmas was not just about getting presents, that they had to take turns opening theirs. Sophie got alot of Tinkerbell stuff, underwear and all. Gavin's Christmas was all about the motors. There were cars, and motorcycles all over the place. Ashlee was all about Hannah Montana. She got two wigs. All the kids needed clothes. It's sad when your little three year old wears a size 4-5. Ashlee needed some shirts, and so did Gavin. I guess the colthing thing went all around. Tim and I both got each other clothes too. He did reall good and didn't get me granny pants this time.
We cleaned up, had breakfast, and let the kids play. By that time it was lunch, and we gave them a sandwich. I really needed some more sleep, so we all took naps, and then went up to my mom's.
This is were the tylenol would have been nice. As soon as we walked into the house we started to open presents again. Kaleb even played garbage lady. The kids didn't even loose the pieces of toys they got.
Dinner was fantastic. We had a new york strip roast. Twice baked potatoes, green beans, and peas and carrots. Tim then made an awsome cherry crisp.
Sophie didn't pee on anyone. Ashlee didn't break down crying. Gavin did throw a tempertantrum, but I quickly stopped it by telling him that I would not put up with it. He gets too excited and then goes from hyper to attitude. It really does bother him to listen to all the chatter.
By the time we got home I wanted everyone to go to bed, but we did put things away first. I even started some laundry, to keep the house warm. This morning wasn't so great. I really wanted to sleep in. But I got up and used my brand new plush robe to keep me warm. I think that I have a Christmas hangover. Tylenol anyone? Please?

1 comment:

The Woolley's said...

Sounds like a great day! Too much fun! We also had a long but good day. Merry Christmas! I may post, soon, maybe, but it probably won't be as good as yours! Love ya! Happy New Year! I amazingly, so far, knock on wood, have not gotten a head-ache yet.