Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunburned before memorial day

So, I was bad. Instead of going to church today, we went camping. Now I am payingfor it with three sunburned children, a sunburned husband, a very happily-tired dog, and very sunburned arms.
We went up to Mat Warner, and went fishing. We only caught one fish. We let Blue off of the leash for the first time. There are parts of the mountain that still have snow, and she loved playing in it. She got so far ahead of herself that she tripped and flipped twice. No big deal, though, she was fine. She even got up and eat some. It was a very good trip.


The Woolley's said...

How fun! I need to go camping again. Sorry about the sunburned family!! So far I've kept the kids safe, but me on the other's probably been 4-5 times now, mostly my face and neck, hmmmm can we say 'skin cancer'! It's always great to take a vacation with the fam!

Brooke said...

AHA! So, that's where you were! I'm turning you in! For family togetherness! Wait... that doesn't sound like such a bad thing... hmmm...