Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whose afraid of the big bad GERMAN SHEPARD????

Dear Blue,
I know you are going through a ruff time at the moment, going through heat and all, but do you think you could keep the boyfriends down to a minimum? And maybe make sure they aren't here at 2 a.m.? I perfer sleep at that time of morning. I would also perfer not to encounter them when I take you out to pee. Especially after dark when most people are snoozing. I like to see when I am being sneaked up on. I know that after we get you spade this won't happen any more, and Last night's boy friend was a really gorgous German Shepard. I was really sad to see him go with the nice animal control lady, but hopefully they can find his owner, or maybe a nice new home instead of being put down. You might have made really cute puppies with him, but we have no need for more dogs at the moment. Thank you for your help. Good girl......