Saturday, April 4, 2009

Welcome, Welcome Confrence Morning.......

Now we rest from every care? Not likey! I don't know about you, nut I usually have to do things like luandry on days like this. Not only is it REALLY NASTY out side, but I can't get my little ones to stay in one room for a moment to actually listen to what the brothers, and sisters have to say. I do have it blairing on the TV in three diffent rooms, and on the radio in two others. I makes for a weird sterio sound when you move from one room into another.
Outside it is yucky. I was hoping that we would get to go camping next weekend, but I don't think it will happen. My parents won't get to go to Moab, but thought about San Diego instead. It's not fair I tell ya!
We are going to The fast and the furious tonight. I love the cars, and the cute guys, so I am okay with the choice. I somtimes like to rebel, and want to go to a chick flick.
Hope your kids are quiet, you can find a babysitter, and you don't blow away in the nasty weather!

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