Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

So new years resolutions are a must for the new year. I have a few. This year I will read the Old testement all the way through. I haven't since seminary. The next one is weight lose. I really do want to get down to a better BMI. It's better for you, and I don't want to be diabetic. that would be sad and I couldn't enjoy chocalate anymore. Plus it will take more presure off of my knees. Last I want to floss. I know what you are thinking, but it is proven that you can have heart problems if you don't take care of your smile.
I don't know if Timhas any he want's to add, because he is currently hard at work, and he took Sophie with him. So, It's just me and Gavin for now.
The children will be flossing too. and we will finish the Book of Mormon as a family. We have only gotten to Alma. It's hard to get a three year old to listen at 8:30 at night, or ever for that matter.
There it is. Hopefully you can ask me in a month and find out how we are doing. I may bolg on it once in a while and let you know how we are doing with these.

1 comment:

Michele and Wyatt said...

Happy New Year! Good luck with your goals.