Friday, January 30, 2009

Hey, I'm old.

After working out for the last four weeks, I have been ready to go to bed earlier. Last night I went to bed at ten, I haven't been able to go to bed at ten since I was taking prozac. It was great, but when Sophie got up at 1 am, I just couldn't get up, so Tim took her. This morning I didn't want to get up. I didn't work out that hard, but Ireally want to sleep more, does that make me old?
Last night I was reading on my facebook page, yes I'm nosey, and some of my "Friends" were doing this 25 things about me thing, I get tired of not being tagged, Like I am everyones last thought. "Oh she won't mind," But I do. I do mind. I don't mean this to sound like a pitty party, but it makes me feel bad, so I tagged my self. I guess I'm not very patient, does that make me old?
I'm starting to get less happy being where I am. Both literaly and figurativley, I feel restless, but don't know what to do to remidy it, or where to start. Does that make me old, or apethetic?
Iv'e come to the conclution, that either I am maturing or jaded, or maybe I need prozac again.
My joints creak when I stand up, lol, and when I sit down. I am starting to want to eat healthy, not because I want to. I don't know wether this is a product of the exercise, or getting old.
I feel for those who have been where I was five years ago, and where I was yesterday. I want to help them. I don't know if I can, or If they'll let me. I feel old.

1 comment:

The Woolley's said...

Becky I didn't tag anyone on it. I hate being tagged so I don't like tagging others.