Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have to say without a doubt that sundays are my most hated day ( yes this is going to be one big complaint, I have to get it out. Tim tunes me out and won't console, or empathize with me). I don't usually get to sleep in, so it was no surprise when this moring, at 6:15 am Sophie comes waddling in and sings at the top of her freaking lung, "kinkle kinkle yiddle star!" I wanted to kill her. Like a good mother I got her little hand and took her into the living room, and turned on spongebob (Yes, I do feel like is my child gets up early I can babysit them with the tv). At about 8 Ashlee and Gavin came in. We all snuggled, and I snored. At 9:30 I was awoken by Tim who had gotten up and made breakfast for us. Yeah ( please note the sarcasum). I don't like bisquets and gravy. I don't really like to eat meat for breakfast, but I ate none the less. The next few hours was spent doing girls hair, cleaning my self, redoing girls hair, doing my hair, redoing girls hair, feeding them, doing Gavin's hair, getting everyone dressed, redoing girls hair, and then finding out that I would be walking, because our truck was broke, and Tim had gone to work. The walk to church was not pretty, The weather here here has been yucky, mostly slush. Me, and my three children waded through 6 different lakes! Thanks by the way to those who did stop and ask if we wanted a ride. We would have taken you up on that, but when you have three people in a four person car, it's not really an option. We did make it to church on time. Reilef Society went fast. I don't remeber what was taught, I sure it was great, but I sat down, and then it was over. Sunday school also went rather fast. I remeber hearing about Joseph Smith. It was great! It just went to fast. Then Sophie decided that she had to go to the bathroom. twelve times! I just couldn't get her to understand that she didn't need to go. The whole of Sacrement meeting was bad, Sophie was bad, I made her lay down with no toys, Gavin kept talking very loudly, and Ashlee whined everytime I asked for her help. I know afternoon church is hard but couldn't someone work with me? Tim came and picked us up when it was over. I hate Sundays!

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