Saturday, January 31, 2009

Can I get a Kilngon..What?

So I was talking to my mother on the phone this morning ( Morning is translated loosly, because it was around 12:30), and I kind of did a double take a Gavin's head. He has a fading port wine stain on his forehead as a birth mark. Usually I don't pay much atention to it, because you can only really see it when he is way tired or wicked upset. I really don't bother with it much, because all my children have them, But when I looked over Gavin's was briliant red, Which usually means he's getting tired. I fed them some lunch, and then Gavin came to sit with me. I checked his head again, and it was back to normal, except for one thing. His forehead has a ridge that runs fro his nose to his hair line. I called my momback and told her, and she was like, what like a Romulin? I'm like no, It runs up his entired head like,.....a Klingon! I honestly don't think it's the result of him being hurt, or any abnornmal growth, I looked back at some pics and there it is in all its glory, my ridged head son. I gave birth to a klingon! Too funny.

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